Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Looking back, what do you see?
Do the things I've done represent me?
What memories do I hold closest to my heart?
First place to start
is with what sets you apart.
like the way only I interpret a piece of art
like the way I laugh when someone farts
like how my favorite ice cream at Frogurt is blue berry tart
When was I the happiest?
Easily the time when I did something the craziest.
Sometimes just letting yourself splurge
is when your grandest moments emerge.
Who influenced me most?
When I was sick, they're the ones that'd bring me toast
All the people who stayed close.
They taught me about life and showed me the world.
Gave me tips to become a successful girl.
Made me see you can't win
when you hold it all in.
That I shouldn't dwell on, but learn from looking back,
Then to pick up the slack
and live to gain anything I previously did lack.
Take the Risk
don't be another ingredient in the bowl, controlled by the whisk
I'd bet
we More often Regret
not getting our feet wet
than the discomfort of it making our toes cold.
So DO something fun before you're too old.
Then next time I'm asked
about my past, I won't want it masked.
When questioned, What do you see?
I can share with them the life I wanted to Represent ME.