Ordinary World: Shrek. By himself. In the swamp. This is the part where he is enjoying his life, loving being alone and doing whatever he wants. Being a straight up Ogre.
Call to Adventure: All the fairy creatures get dumped on his swamp. So he goes to Farquad, wins the duel, and demands his swamp back. Farquad says he must go rescue the princess Fiona and he'll give him back his swamp.
Refusal of the Call: Shrek says no. He doesn't want to go on a stupid quest for a princess.
Meeting the Mentor: Donkey. This is when Shrek met donkey. Through donkey's perseverance and to Shrek's annoyance they become friends. Donkey gives shrek advice along the way.
Crossing the Threshold: They go on the quest. Donkey and shrek leave the swamp and venture off into the unknown.
Tests, Allies, and Enemies: This is there long journey to the castle with Donkey never failing to annoy Shrek.
Approach the Inmost Cave: They are at the castle. Crossing the lake of fire and stinky brimstone on an old rickety bridge.
The Ordeal: Fighting the Dragon
Reward: They get the princess out. (and to Shrek that also means the swamp, and thus it's a reward)
Road Back: Their journey back to the swamp and Farquad. They have to stop every night. They fight bad guys in the woods (Fiona does) This is also when Shrek and Fiona fall in love.
Resurrection: Fiona is getting Farquad. :( The ressurection part is when-with Donkey's help, (and dragons eventually) Shrek reappears at the Wedding. "I OBJECT" Then Fiona turns into an ogre. Surprise. and Shrek and Fiona are in love.
Return with Elixir: They go back to Shrek's swamp. Make it a nice place for two. Beware of ogres signs with their pictures included. Donkey visits often. and they live Happily Ever After. For now. :)
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